Welcome to Dancingbones Productions.

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The Xena Pages
(Updated 8/22/04)

The Stuff about me, you know, as a person.
(updated 11/02/04)

(NEW - 6/26/08)

Yeah, okay, I'm caving...  It's a blog.
(Updated 12/31/04)

Hey!  I've got a store!  If you like my mandalas, go by and check it out!


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Parent and/or disapproving person notification:  Contained within these pages are numerous swear words, some suggestive images, and frank, adult language.
There is NO nudity nor are there sexually explicit images.  (Well, one nipple, but it's totally incidental.)  Just lots of cleavage.


All original text and images Copyright 2002 C. Stryker